Development teams need to be teams first and company people second. What happens when your team wants to start using user stories and index cards, but your analyst team manager thinks Use Cases are the best way to document requirements? How about when your QA process is not mature and you keep releasing with defects but the QA manager does not do anything about it? How about your project manager never buys into the team and only cares about being on time and on budget because their review is based on it. Maybe the tech lead wants requirements that never change and never lets the client change their mind. The technical manager taught your tech lead and agrees with everything the tech lead says. Agile or what I like to call "Successful Teams" are teams. They do what it takes to do what the customer wants, deliver features. I am not saying only agile teams are successful but successful teams are agile. If your organization is matrix, get your leadership buy in to override...
IT requires leadership more than ever. DevOps leadership is the key to transforming IT and improved business success.