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Article on Dev and Testing schedules during an iteration

This is a good article addressing developing features and QA testing them during the same iteration. Chris offers a good example process. I like the comments that followed because you see different points of views regarding the topic. This brings to light some of the issues with Dev and QA cohesion.

I think the example Chris provides makes sense but I also sympathise with the QA person explaining the issues of retesting changing features. IMHO, I think QA has to catch up with development in "agile" thinking. Developers know code is going to change and it will change a lot. With CI, Unit Testing and refactoring, the features evolve over time. QA needs to follow the same pattern in Agile environments. They are not retesting features, they are testing. Features are not half complete, they are not done. (Done means a feature is developed, tested, and accepted) QA should work closer with developers and should us continuous testing (CT) throughout the iteration. Then, at the end of the iteration the whole team does internal acceptance testing.

One key issue with CT is team size. One QA person cannot do CT with 6 developers. I think an effective ratio should be created that can balance the output of dev to the input of QA.

I like the idea of developers writing the automated test that are identified by QA. This is a good checks and balance system.


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